Gender Pay Gap

The Best Connection Group Limited is an employment business, specialising in industrial and driving recruitment. This report has been produced in line with our obligations under the Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017, and includes data for all employees and temporary workers as at 5th April 2023.
Proportion of Employees in Each Pay Quartile
■ = Women ■ = Men
Upper Quartile
Upper Middle Quartile
Lower Middle Quartile
Lower Quartile
Percentage of employees receiving a bonus

Difference in pay between men and women
Mean % women are lower | Median % women are lower | |
Hourly Pay Gap | 6.8 | 3.6 |
Bonus Pay Gap | 38.9 | 28.6 |
Our Gender Pay Gap report indicates that on average women’s hourly pay rate is 3.6% lower than men, this is well below the UK average of 15.4%.
The Best Connection supply workers into both the industrial and driving sectors. The driving sector has traditionally been a male dominated sector. This is reflected in each of our quartiles; in particular, the high quartiles as driving roles are generally more skilled, higher paid roles. There are also more males in senior positions within the business, which again explains the larger gap in the higher quartile.
The Best Connection is however committed to closing our Gender Pay Gap further. We are looking into ways to ensure that more women progress within the business, and to make sure that they have the relevant support so that they are able to compete for senior positions.
I confirm that this report is accurate and meets the requirements of the Gender Pay Gap reporting regulations.

Andrew Sweeney