Technology breeds counter-technology rogues

Date: 22nd Friday, December, 2017

As fast as innovators develop technology for the common good, others are intent on developing ways to exploit technology for ill-gotten gains.  Electronic car locking systems can be ‘intercepted’ and cars stolen from owner’s drives.  Online fraud has been driven by the daily use of the internet for monetary transactions. Company and Government systems have been ‘hacked’ – by individuals and state-sponsored cyber terrorists.  The abuse is widespread.  Where there is money to be made, counter-technologists are at large. A recent example has been revealed in the world of driver safety.    Nottinghamshire Police have arrested and charged 22 drivers in 2017 for manipulating tachograph readings.  The findings have come to light following conviction of a Polish driver who was caught using technology to distort tachograph readings.  Apparently, he had hidden the device, which had been designed to take control of the tachograph, in his hat.  As the device rendered the tachograph ineffective, in theory, the driver could drive 24 hours a day with no legal checks in place! Due to the potential impact on road safety, Nottinghamshire Police have set up an operation to catch more would-be offenders.  This example outlines the risks some people are prepared to take for financial gain – irrespective of the implications on safety.  As technology drives change it will also breed criminals who apply equal ingenuity in their efforts to break or manipulate systems.  These counter-technology rogues will always exist to challenge the status quo, to disrupt and challenge the integrity of good ideas.  Whilst our systems and applications are efficient and essential, perhaps the role of good-old common sense and initiative should not be under estimated.  It is possibly prudent to consider that everything our digital world throws at us is neither accurate nor indeed true.  Where safety is concerned, our human capabilities must be applied along with time-saving technologies as the potential outcomes are unthinkable.  

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